Friday, October 27, 2006

Support Your Local Politician

We all like to make jokes about politicians, but somehow they don't seem as funny to me anymore. As a part-time candidate for a part-time unpaid office I can hardly consider myself a politician, but maybe I'm starting to identify with them a little? Don't think I'm becoming an apologist for "Beltway Business as Usual," but I have learned a few things:
  • Campaigning is hard work. Going door-to-door, asking for votes, always smiling and being prepared to talk about any issue-- it's not easy. I've only been doing it for two months, and no one is following me around with a camera.
  • It's often frustrating to try to get out a message when very few people are listening. I now understand the role of the professional media consultant and the sound bite-- they basically force feed the public a message. It's easier than explaining to people why your message is important.
  • It's humbling to be apply for a job where all your friends and neighbors decide your future. Can you imagine if every few years everyone in your workplace got together and decided if you could keep your job-- most of them without even speaking to you?
So here's a joke. I hope it isn't in poor taste, but I don't have a media consultant to test it for me: These two cannibals are sitting in a restaurant reviewing the menu. It says "missionaries, $5. politicians, $50." One cannibal asks the other, "Why are politicians so expensive?" He answers,"Do you know how hard it is to get them clean enough to eat?"

See what I mean? Not so funny any more. Next time a politician knocks on your door, offer them a cookie or something to drink.


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